A blog is short for “web log” and it is a daily online journal that many web sites and individuals use to write about things they are interested in. In our case,Want News on TV Shows on DVD? Articles this will be TV shows on DVD. Order DVD TV Shows blog site is at: Blog.OrderDVDTVShows.com.

Our blog site gives daily and weekly 911 number meaning release info and news on site updates. There may be a little overlap in news between our newsletter and blog web site, but we just want to give you different options to receive news from us.

We also have RSS feeds available for Order DVD TV Shows. So what is RSS you ask?

RSS stands for Real Simple Syndication and is a way for you to read (a feed) new information from a web site. A single item will typically include a headline, a snippet of contents and a link to a web site.

Using an RSS feed reader, anyone who has subscribed to our feed, will be notified when we publish new items or add information to our feed. These feeds come directly to your desktop using any of these feed readers.

There are RSS feed readers known as aggregators to choose from. I use Feed Demon which was created by Nick Bradbury, the creator of TopStyle and HomeSite.

If you have a news reader, you can enter the feeds below which are available from Order DVD TV Shows:

The feed for Order DVD TV Shows Blog Site:


The feed for Order DVD TV Shows Weekly Releases:


The feed for Order DVD TV Shows News Items:


If you have a My Yahoo account, you can add any of our RSS feeds to your My Yahoo home page.

By Admin